January 23, 2017 - No Comments
A good Muslim couple are working in the following manner. The husband sits in the shop and the wife who is in niqaab visits
March 18, 2015 - One Comment
Marriage is considered an ibaadah, an act that is pleasing to Allah. It is in accordance with His commandments that husbands and wives love each
March 11, 2013 - One Comment
Many of our fellow brothers and sisters feel ‘lost’, defeated, and depressed. It seems to be that in the hustle and bustle of this Dunya
January 13, 2013 - No Comments
Rose water is a miracle product brought to us by nature. It has lots of naturally good things like the Vitamin A and C and
December 31, 2012 - No Comments
Parents generally worry about the worldly well being of their children and make great sacrifices for their worldly comfort. The actual concern of parents should
October 19, 2012 - No Comments
It was the early hours of the morning and Fatima lay in her bed, unable to sleep. She simply couldn’t understand why she was targeted! You
August 15, 2012 - No Comments
I suffer with hysteria; so I get senseless at times. I have consulted numerous doctors and asked my husband to consult a
August 14, 2012 - One Comment
The familiar smell of incense sticks being lit in each room reminds me with pleasure that the auspicious month of Ramadan has finally arrived. Naturally,
July 15, 2012 - No Comments
Is fashion shows and high teas encouraged in islam where women leave their homes and dress up to participate in these events especially prior to
May 3, 2012 - No Comments
As Muslims we often read many articles about reforming our spiritual selves and sometimes we begin to neglect our physical selves. However the two go
This forum serves to highlight some common marital problems and offer solutions to such problems.These problems have been personally witnessed and handled by Sheikh Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Hafidhahullah) over a period of 18 years.
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