Determining Haidh [menses] from Istihadha whilst on the Pill


I went to haj and was using pills to postpone my periods after my usual date my periods strated but the flow was very little and irregular after 15 days of irregular flow now the flow has increased and is it counted in istehazah and can I do tawaf and prayers and wat is the ruling for vidai tawaaf…


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Sister in Islam,

At the outset, we apologize for the belated reply. May Allah accept your Hajj.

Furthermore, your question is not clear. You did not state about your normal monthly cycle and about your clean period. The following is a general guideline on the issue for your convenience:


The minimum period for a menstrual cycle is three days [72 hours] and the maximum period is ten days [240 hours]. The minimum period for clean days (tuhr) is fifteen days while there is no maximum period for a clean period. It is not necessary that the bleeding is constant in order for it to be considered a period. It is sufficient that the bleeding occurs for the minimum three day period – even intermittently. During this time praying salah, fasting, making tawaf and sexual intercourse is prohibited.[1]

Dysfunctional bleeding is any bleeding which occurs outside one’s normal menstrual habit. Likewise, any bleeding lesser than three days or more than ten days will also be considered as Istihadhah [dysfunctional uterine bleeding]. It does not prevent one from praying, fasting or intimate relations.  [1]

Therefore, it is necessary for a woman to document her menstrual cycles – the number of days in the period, and the days of purity, and where they occur during the month.

Determining Haidh [menses] from Istihadha whilst on pills:

The aforementioned principles should be applied to determine Haidh from Istihadha.

If you had a set menstrual cycle before taking pills, then any bleeding for three days [72 hours] or more-even irregularly- in your habit days will be considered as Haidh [menses] and the bleeding seen in your purity days will be considered as Istihadhah. Let this be understood through an example:

Let’s assume your normal habit of bleeding before taking pills was 5 days and purity habit was 20 days. So the irregular or regular flow seen in these 5 days after taking pills will be considered as Haidh [menses] and the regular or irregular flow seen in the next 20 days will be considered as Istihadhah.

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A menstruating women is exempted from performing Tawaaf-e-Wada. However, if her monthly cycle ends before leaving Makkah, then it will be wajib [compulsory] upon her to perform Tawaaf-e-Wada. [2]

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1]مختصر القدوري (ص: 19)

باب الحيض

أقل الحيض ثلاثة أيام ولياليها وما نقض عن ذلك فليس بحيض وهو استحاضة وأكثر الحيض عشرة أيام ولياليها وما زاد على ذلك فهو استحاضة -وما تراه المرأة من الحمرة والصفرة والكدرة في أيام الحيض فهو حيض حتى ترى البياض الخالص

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فتاویٰ عثمانی ؛ج:١/ص:٤٣١

معتادہ عورت تمام احکام میں استمرار دم کے وقت اپنے عادت کے مطابق حیض اور اور طہر کا فیصلہ کرے گی .


غنية الناسك:١٩٠

باب طواف الصدر:فلا يجب ….على الحائض والنفساء

١٩٢:وإذا طهرت الحائض قبل أن تفارق بنيان مكة يلزمها طواف الصدر

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