What is the reward for a woman wholeheartedly allowing her husband to remarry?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
If a woman allows her husband to marry for a second time, she will get rewards based on her intentions and to the extent of her intentions. She will also be rewarded for exercising patience on all the consequences arising from her husband taking a second wife.
The first intention she should make is that she is pleased that her husband is practising in accordance with the Shari‛ah by marrying up to four wives, and she will be rewarded for this. Her wholehearted acceptance of him marrying another woman is only for the pleasure of Allāh Ta‛āla and she will be rewarded for submitting to His Laws, knowing well that there is only wisdom in every law of Allāh Ta‛āla.
Together with this, she will be rewarded for multiple good intentions and the reward will be in accordance with the sincerity in making these intentions. If she intends that she is pleased with her husband’s decision because he will remain chaste by marrying for a second time, she will be rewarded for this also. If she intends that he helps another Muslim woman who does not have a husband, she will share in the reward of him helping the woman by marrying her. Furthermore, the rewards increase based on the sincerity when making these intentions.
In addition to this, if she undergoes difficulty in the initial stages of her husband’s second marriage and she bears this with patience, she will be rewarded for this great action of patience. The reward of patience is that Allāh Ta‛ālā is with the patient ones and He wipes out the sins of that person who endures the patience.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Checked and Approved by
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
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