Around the world billions of people enjoy drinking tea. It is a refreshing, soothing and thirst-quenching drink. Next to plain water, tea is the world’s most popular drink.
Green tea has a light green color when brewed and has a slightly bitter flavor. This bitterness can be attributed to the amount of “catechins” it contains. More “catechins” means better health for us. Green tea is available on supermarket shelves in a variety of flavors (eg. Lavender, berry, mint etc.). Its fun to try them all out!
The benefits of regularly drinking (two or more tea-bags daily) Green tea are numerous. To mention but a few:
- 1. Helps stress and depression.
- 2. It is good for skin regeneration.
- 3. Prevents tooth decay.
- 4. It is an anti-oxidant i.e. slowing ageing process.
- 5. Reduces blood cholesterol level.
- 6. Lowers and prevents high blood pressure.
Drinking Green tea in a peaceful and quiet surrounding is the answer to combating stress and promoting mental activity.
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